Saturday, August 27, 2011


So Happy, i can spend my time to watch movie, drawing, learn some business sleep and of course pray.
here is the sketch for celebrate the holiday. 


  1. Lius, gambar2 lo bagus bgt. Seniman banget. Haha.
    Tadinya gue mau masuk ke deviantart lo, biasa g suka search gbr dr situ. eh, kebiasaan ngeblog, jdnya g malah ketik blogspot. lol.

    g di rumah juga ada nih koleksi gbr dari salah satu maestro pelukis dari China. Bagus dan hidup bgt gbrnya. :)

    Tetap berkarya yus..


  2. Hi Lius, Just wanted to say I really dig your work. I found out that you and Chris Lie were going to be coming over to Manila next month for Animahenasyon, hope I can catch you there!
